#1 rule of this week, rest up, nothing too strenuous, stretch, get ready for the meet and, as always, do. not. get. hurt. I made sure to eat a lot, hydrate well, and tried to stay around between 178-183 lbs bodyweight since I signed up for the 181 weight class (though I would have lifted in 198 if I didn't make weight).
Meet day was good - weighed in @177 lbs, the meet went about as well as I hoped - for those unfamiliar with format, this was a "push/pull" meet meaning it just tested the bench press and deadlift. You have three judges who each have the option to give you a white light for a good lift and a red light for failed lift for technical issues or failure to complete the movement (there is a light board that lights up). You attempt each lift three times - if you have a successful lift you move up in weight for the next attempt, if you fail the lift you may either re-try it or move up in weight, you are not allowed to move down. At the beginning of the day you tell the judge your "opener"/first lift and then have to tell them your next lifts after each attempt. I find the bench press more challenging as it involves more judge cues (a judge sits behind you as you lower the weight to your chest, you then have to hold it still until he says "press", then when you press all the way up, finishing the movement, you wait until the judge says "rack" to put the weight back). You can practice paused benches a lot, but it is very different going on someone else's cues.
I successfully benched on my first two attempts, but the third one stuck halfway up after the pause, so my highest successful bench press was 265 lbs. I successfully deadlifted all three attempts for a high lift of 430 lbs. This was a 20 pound increase on the bench press since the last meet in mid-october and a 45 lb increase in deadlift. All attempts are listed below. It was a great meet, everyone was extremely helpful and encouraging and the folks putting it on did a great job.
I am hoping to compete in a full meet (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift) this fall, but first I will have to navigate the powerlifting world of Paris when the family and I head across the pond for a few weeks. Stay tuned for updates on that!
Monday, May 11
5 x 45; 95
3 x 10 x 135
Band bench 3 x 6 with bar + monster mini bands
Cable crossovers
5 x 8
Tricep extensions
3 x 10
Tuesday, May 12
5 x 95
4 x 8 x 135
4 x 1 x 225 + monster mini bands
Lat pulldowns
3 x 8
Chest support TBar row
3 x 8
Friday, May 15th
~45 min of foam roll, lacrosse ball & softball massage, the stick leg rolling, and rotator cuff band exercises
Meet Day
Bench warm up:
8 x 85
6 x 135
3 x 175
2 x 205
1 x 235
Meet Lifts
1 x 250 - 3 white lights = good lift
1 x 265 - 3 white lights = good lift
1 x 275 - fail - stuck about half way up after pause
Deadlift warm up
6 x 135
3 x 225
1 x 275
1 x 315
1 x 365
Meet Lifts
1 x 395 - 3 white lights = good lift
1 x 415 - 3 white lights = good lift
1 x 430 - 3 white lights = good lift