Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A One Act Play

My nametag said “Thomas J. Carrico, Jr, American University of Paris, Center for Islamic Studies” and big, red, all-capital letters on the front page of my conference itinerary stated “Supporting Cultural Differences Through Research.” Fortunately, I left my nametag in the car and was able to somewhat hide my itinerary from view as I entered the 24-hour medical facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana this past weekend. I did, however, somewhat stand out from the rest of the waiting room due to my light yellow button up shirt/baby blue tie/grey pinstripe suit combo. I was presenting my MA Research Project from AUP in an hour or two at a conference and Abbey was on day five of some kind of cough/cold/flu something or other. While I did little Research in the waiting room, I was implicitly “Supporting Cultural Differences,” as my booklet stated was my purpose in Louisiana. Abbey sat to my left filling out insurance forms as I keenly observed my surroundings while making sure the page numbers of my paper were in order.

So Began...

The Baton Rouge Waiting Room: A Play in One Act

Stage Right: Lady with ponytail and glasses reading insurance forms to her diminutive husband who was looking over her shoulder. Lady is noticeably agitated.

Agitated Lady: Did your employer send you to this clinic?
Husband: huh?
Agitated Lady (speaking louder and slower): Did the [expletive] you [expletive] work for [expletive] send your [expletive] to this [expletive]?!
Husband: Yeeuh
Agitated Lady: [Lords name [expletive] in vain] this [expletive] sheet says the same [expletive] [expletive] on each [expletive] page.

Enter Tommy’s Inner Monologue (TIM for Short) conversing with Tommy’s more impulsive inner monologue (TIMMY)

Tim: Don’t laugh, look down but keep listening, this is funny.
Timmy: Make eye contact, maybe she’ll cuss at you, that would be funnier.
Tim: Look down, don’t laugh.
Timmy: Point and laugh.
Tim: Don’t get involved
Timmy: Point and laugh…wait there’s something funny going on to your right, look there.

Shift to stage right-er where a bemoustached man is seated. Bemoustached gentleman has a camouflage hat on, a gray t-shirt with a pocket containing chewing tobacco, jeans, and cowboy boots. He is joined by another bemoustached gentleman who is wearing a similar outfit, though the shirt is button-up with horses galloping in front of American Flags. Bemoustached gentleman number two is carrying two coffee cups from the complimentary coffee station stage left, hands Bemoustached gentleman number one a cup

Bemoustached Gentleman Number Two: Hey man can I get a peeyinch?
Bemoustached Gentleman Number One: Here ya go buddy, what’s your name?
Tim: They don’t know each other?
Timmy: Point and laugh.
Tim: Ignore them.
Agitated Lady: [expletive] this [expletive] form, the [expletive] is too [expletive] long. What the [expletive] [expletive]
Husband: Uh huh.
Agitated Lady: [expletive] address? The [expletive] these [expletive] need your [expletive] boss’ [expletive] address the [expletive] for?
Timmy: Point and laugh.
Tim: Ignore everyone.
Timmy: Point and laugh a lot.
Receptionist: Carrico, Abbey

Abbey and Tommy hurriedly exit the waiting room.

End scene.


  1. Tremendous. I would buy a ticket for no less than 10 American dollars and no more than 25 American dollars.

    That waiting room was America.

  2. I'll buy the rights to said play, and make it happen for less than 100 dollars.

  3. Both of your offers sound quite reasonable, please make checks payable to "Amurrica." Bonus points if you have novelty checks with American flags on them or Dale Earnhardt...gonebutnotforgottenWELOVEYOUDALE!

  4. This is the funniest play I've ever read (actually, mom read it to me while driving home from C'ville on night to help me stay awake...I was driving)
