Friday, April 1, 2011

A Day in the Life

Dear readers, in order to catch you up on my life over the past six weeks or so since I last posted, Atlanta was warm for a few days, now it is cold, I have continued to pick up people’s dirty dishes in order to earn a living, and I have perfected my househusbandry routine which is as follows:

• 8:00ish – Wake up and make coffee

• 9:00ish – Wish Abbey a happy day at school/take Abbey to school

• 9:00ish-10:00ish – Drink coffee, check facebook, email,,, huffington post, themoderatevoice, (gotta get the whole political spectrum), etc. (and watch epicmealtime if it’s Tuesday)

• 10:00ish – do the dishes

• 10:15ish-10:45ish – shower, shave (I received a reprimand at work a while ago because at age 27 I have reached the point of manhood where I must shave every day or be perceived as grungy by my employer’s clientele)

• 11:00ish-whenever – the channel that shows the 700 club and john hagee starts showing jerry springer/maury/steve wilkos (I find this entirely appropriate) so I watch whatever is on this channel while cleaning the bedroom

• Noonish – eat.

• Noonish-Midafternoonish – complete whatever errands need to be run/read a book/continue watching trashy tv

• Midafternoonish MWF – get my swell on at the gym

• LateAfternoonish – Abbey gets home.

• LateAfternoonish-Eveningbedtimeish – hang out with Abbey

While there are certainly variants – sometimes I have to go in to work to pick up people’s breakfast plates and pour breakfast drinks, other times I may go in to work to pick up lunch plates and pour lunch drinks, and other times I may go in to work in the evenings to pick up dinner plates and serve dinner drinks – these are all very exciting variables, but you now have an idea of the typical weekday of your favorite househusband. I hope you have enjoyed this brief glimpse into my life, especially if you may be considering househusbandry as a viable option for your future career.

Stay tuned to [TBA] for some important announcements in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, Tommy's blog is back!! I am a little slow on the uptake so I had to go back a few and catch up. You realize, of course, now that you have returned, regular appearances are in order. :)
